
Decontamination and Disinfection Service

On 10th March 2020 The Australian Government (Dept Of Heath) issued ‘Environmental cleaning and disinfection principles for COVID -19’ (Coronavirus disease).https://www.health.gov.au/sites/default/files/documents/2020/03/environmental-cleaning-and-disinfection-principles-for-covid-19.pdf

To assist our clients in ensuring they are taking all preventative measures in providing a decontaminated workplace, MSS has implemented a “Decontamination and Disinfection Service” which will assist in the prevention of the spread of COVID-19 in their working environment.

Using a residual non-toxic biodegradable, hospital grade active 3.1% W/V Quaternary Ammonium compound disinfectant solution (99% bacteria kill rate) , all frequently touched surfaces shall be sprayed and disinfected. Note: For food preparation areas, an 80% alcohol based compound shall be used.

Frequently Touch Surfaces include but are not limited to:

door handles, tabletops, light switches, landline telephones handsets, common desks and reception areas, bench tops, chair handles, stair railings, kitchen appliances (i.e. kettles, microwave ovens, toasters, coffees machines, taps), bathrooms taps and hand dryers, photocopies, keyboards, computer mouses, sporting equipment, playground equipment, shared company vehicles and school buses.

A Decontamination and Disinfection Service can also be provided on Minimally Touched Surfaces. These include but are not limited to: walls, blinds and doors.

Upon each room being serviced, an MSS “Decontamination and Disinfection’ sticker will be placed on the door or each room.

A full detailed service report will be provided detailing the room and each item serviced.

To arrange a Decontamination and Disinfection Service or for further information , call 1300 305 303 or email
